New year at school and a new blog...this is going to be my space for news about my art and art in my class. I am very pleased with the way my room looks this year. Have a new door that goes out to a grassy patch..great view!

My art room

My art room
I painted the tables to give them a new artsy look..they were so boring previously!!o

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Notan - a lesson on positive and negative space

Nōtan  is a Japanese design concept involving the play and placement of light and dark.This use of light and dark translates shape and form into flat shapes on a two-dimensional surface. Nōtan is traditionally presented in paintink, or cut paper, but it is relevant to a host of modern day image-making techniques, such as lithography in printmaking.
Year 4 students watched a video on you tube. A very good explanation of the process of how notan is created. They all understood what they had to do without much explanation from me. I believe the challenge for them was in retaining and keeping safe all the tiny bits of paper they cut.

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