New year at school and a new blog...this is going to be my space for news about my art and art in my class. I am very pleased with the way my room looks this year. Have a new door that goes out to a grassy patch..great view!

My art room

My art room
I painted the tables to give them a new artsy look..they were so boring previously!!o

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Yaacov Agam  is an Israeli sculptor and experimental artist best known for his contributions to optical and kinetic art.Agam's work is usually abstract, kinetic art, with movement, viewer participation and frequent use of light and sound. He is also known for a type of print known as an Agamograph, which uses lenticular printing to present radically different images, depending on the angle from which it is viewed.
My students in year 6 created their version of an agamograph. 
Students made vertical 1" markings on two papers. They painted two different scenes on these. Then, imagine the shock on their faces when I said to them that they had to cut their paintings along the markings made! The cut strips of paer was then, pasted on a third one to achieve these results.

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